In this livestream we are joined by Warren Lafountain to discuss Futurism and Futurist topics.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Self-driving Cars
- Blockchain
Futurism is not about predicting the future: It is about reducing uncertainty by engaging discussions about unpredictable outcomes. We all know that disruptive change will come, but how should be treat it? What value can be derived by speculating about the future? What methods can serve us well in reducing uncertainty?
Rule 1: Forget about Predictions
Rule #1 of Futures Thinking is forget about predictions. Futures Thinking is about reducing uncertainty, and building readiness for an uncertain future. By exploring our goals, desires, and beliefs about the future we can uncover patterns, recognize signals of disruption, and promote readiness.
Futurism and Futures Thinking
Gorbis, M. [Mar 11, 2019]. Five Principles for Thinking Like a Futurist. EDUCAUSE Review. https://er.educause.edu/articles/2019/3/five-principles-for-thinking-like-a-futurist
(Un)Ethical Futures Conference Reading List 2017
Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind
Futurism.com https://futurism.com/
Webb, A. [Mar 11, 2020]. How Futurists Cope with Uncertainty. The Startup. https://medium.com/swlh/how-futurists-cope-with-uncertainty-a4fbdff4b8c6
No Author. [Aug, 2019]. The Axes of Uncertainty. Future Today Institute. https://futuretodayinstitute.com/mu_uploads/2019/08/FTI_Axes.pdf
Molteni, M., Huckins, G. [Aug 1, 2020]. The WIRED Guide to Cripr. Wired Magazine. https://www.wired.com/story/wired-guide-to-crispr/
No Author. [n.d.] Questions and Answers about CRISPR. The Broad Institute. https://www.broadinstitute.org/what-broad/areas-focus/project-spotlight/questions-and-answers-about-crispr
Cohen, J. [n.d.] CRISPR Articles. Science. https://www.sciencemag.org/topic/crispr
Machine Learning
Martin, S. [Sep 2, 2019]. Top 7 Machine Learning Methods that Every Data Scientist Must Know. Towards Data Science. https://towardsdatascience.com/top-7-machine-learning-methods-that-every-data-scientist-must-know-84f5e5352ae1
Castanon, J. [May 1, 2019]. 10 Machine Learning Methods that Every Data Scientist Should Know. Toward Data Science. https://towardsdatascience.com/10-machine-learning-methods-that-every-data-scientist-should-know-3cc96e0eeee9
Kaggle. [n.d.]. Intro to Machine Learning. Kaggle Website. https://www.kaggle.com/learn/intro-to-machine-learning
No Author. [n.d.]. Introduction to Machine Learning Methods. EDUCBA Website. https://www.educba.com/machine-learning-methods/
Piper, K. [Aug 13, 2020]. GPT-3, explained: This new language AI is uncanny, funny - and a big deal. Vox. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/21355768/gpt-3-ai-openai-turing-test-language
Decision Intelligence / Decision Science
Kozyrkov, C. [Mar 19, 2020]. What does uncertainty mean. Towards Data Science. https://towardsdatascience.com/introduction-to-decision-intelligence-5d147ddab767
Kozyrkov, C. [Aug 2, 2019]. Introduction to Decision Intelligence. Towards Data Science. https://towardsdatascience.com/introduction-to-decision-intelligence-5d147ddab767
Dowsett, C. [Jan 24, 2019]. Data Science vs Decision Science. Towards Data Science. https://towardsdatascience.com/data-science-vs-decision-science-8f8d53ce25da
Engines of Creation 2.0: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology
The Foresight Institute https://foresight.org/
Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence
Being There: Putting Brain, Body, and World Together Again
Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition: Science Slightly Over the Edge